Since 1790, the Coast Guard has safeguarded the American people and promoted national security, border security, and economic prosperity in a complex and evolving maritime environment. The Coast Guard saves those in peril and protects the Nation from all maritime threats.
As a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, a law enforcement organization, a regulatory agency, a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community, and a first responder, the Coast Guard employs a unique mix of authorities, broad jurisdiction, flexible operational capabilities, and a network of partnerships. The Coast Guard is the principal Federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship in U.S. ports and inland waterways, along more than 95,000 miles of U.S. coastline, throughout the 4.5 million square miles of U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and on the high seas.
See more about the US Coast Guard

US Coast Guard
Joint Veterans Commission Of Cuyahoga County with Base Cleveland Veterans Committee, Cuyahoga Community College, and City of Cleveland shared in a commemoration of Veterans Day 2013 at Cleveland City Hall. The Keynote speaker was Rear Admiral Fred M. Midgette, Commander U. S. Coast Guard Ninth District.

Rear Admiral Fred Midgette assumed duty as the Ninth Coast Guard District Commander in June 2013. He is the senior Coast Guard commander for the five Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Seaway, which includes 1,500 miles of international border. He leads 6,000 Coast Guard active duty, reserve, civilian and auxiliary men and women serving at 77 subordinate units and on the District staff. His previous assignment was as Military Advisor to the Secretary of Homeland Security where he supported the Secretary in affairs relating to the coordination and execution of policy and operations between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.
He is a Coast Guard Cutterman, and a U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Officer having served over 12 years afloat in seven Coast Guard Cutters and a Navy Destroyer. Prior assignments in the Great Lakes included duty as Chief of Staff of the Ninth Coast Guard District; Sector Commander and Captain of the Port of Detroit; and Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Cutter KATMAI BAY in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. He also served in a number of joint and liaison positions including tours on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon; with the legacy U.S. Customs Service; and as a liaison officer to U.S. Northern Command.